Science and Research
As actively publishing scientists, we approach all our work with the intent of producing rigorous scientific results, particularly in collaborative, integrated multidisciplinary research programs. We specialize in developing and implementing marine research projects informed by a thorough understanding of the discipline that are statistically robust, often entailing the development of innovative sampling protocols and data capture approaches, to achieve meaningful scientific outcomes. Specific disciplines in which we specialize include:
Marine and coastal habitats, such as deepwater filter feeding assemblages, coral reefs, sergrasses, macroalgal reefs, wetlands, dunes, soft sediments, carbon, and ecosystem restoration.
Marine biology and ecology, including benthic ecology, fish assemblages and fisheries, sessile and sedentary invertebrates, marine mammal and reptile biology and ecology, and seabirds.
Marine environment including oceanography, physical, chemical, biological, and geological processes; coastal geomorphology; water circulation; sediment and water environmental quality; underwater noise; metocean; wind; waves and tides; weather and climate change; coastal processes; geomorphology; geology; carbon sequestration; and climate change.
Marine policy and governance including the study of legal, regulatory, and institutional frameworks governing marine and coastal management, marine spatial planning, coastal zone management, and marine protected areas.
We approach all of our work with a commitment to conducting rigorous, forward-thinking research that provides valuable insights into the complexities of the environmental challenges our clients and collaborators are tackling.
Services we provide include:
Strategic and expert advice
Desktop reviews
Case studies
Risk assessments and gap analysis
Research plans
Experimental design
Permitting and licensing
Power and statistical analysis
Big data analysis and database management
Reporting and publishing