Review of environmental values of Lake MacLeod
Landscape-scale analysis of Lake Macleod, integrating temporal satellite-derived imagery, focused drone-based surveys of primary producer habitats, and review of literature describing key environmental, terrestrial, and aquatic biodiversity values.
Dense pneumatophores in shallow water (P.Horwitz).
Seawater springs feed the worlds largest inland mangrove forest.
One of the most important shorebird stopover locations in WA.
Pete’s Vent (P.Horwitz).
Microbialite communities, Pete’s Pond (P.Horwitz)
Marine fish of Lake Macleod
Invertebrate sampling in Neil’s Pond (P.Horwitz).
Spill plains colonized by algal mat, mangroves, and halopila seagrasses.
Seasonal flooding from heavy rainfall event
For more information on this project please get in touch.